Byteplant Data Quality Blog

Effective B2B Email Marketing in 2023
B2B marketing strategies are going through significant changes. What may have been the traditional course of action in the 2010s is becoming completely outdated in the 2020s. B2B marketers are ...
Sending Mass Emails
There comes a time in your marketing campaign when you need to send mass emails. Doing it the right way can help you reach the target audience and avoid blacklists and spam folders. Many people ...
How To Create Great Email Marketing Campaign For Saas Company
Email marketing is a highly efficient element of digital marketing. With the right approach, it’s possible to achieve an ROI of 3,800% and higher. Different email marketing tactics can be used to ...
Top 10 Email Marketing KPIs and Metrics
The importance of email marketing is hard to ignore. With its potential 4400% ROI, this tactic requires close attention, tweaking, and polishing. To build a comprehensive email marketing strategy, ...
Types of email accounts
When you need to set up an email account for business, you face several options. The goal is to create a flexible account that can handle the volume of work you are planning to do. No matter how ...
Everything You Need to Know About Confirmation Emails
Email marketing automation is a highly efficient element of your marketing strategy. When it comes to creating high-quality confirmation emails, you need to implement top-notch tactics. While a ...
10 Types of Emails to Send to Your Customers
Email is one of the most important communication channels between businesses and customers. From marketing and retention to notification and sign-ups, the right approach to this tool can have an ...
How to get removed from email blacklists
Email marketing campaigns have an extremely high ROI, but only if the carefully crafted messages reach their destination. One of the reasons why your emails may never end up in the recipient’s ...
Email Communication During the Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way the entire world works, companies are adjusting their communication strategies. When it comes to emails, you need to take a serious approach to changing ...
How to Check and Improve Email Deliverability
 Email deliverability is an integral component of your email marketing efforts. No matter how much time and money you spend on designing the perfect email, it won’t work unless you can deliver it. ...
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