Byteplant Data Quality Blog

Email Marketing Terminology Explained: Easy Guide in Plain English
Email marketing is a fundamental ingredient in the recipe of any effective inbound marketing strategy. Even so, it can be a harrowing undertaking if you are a novice, or not adequately equipped to ...
Everything You Need to Know About Email Bounce Rates
Bounced emails are literary the dirty linen of any email marketing campaign. You can ignore them for a while, but sooner than later, they will start piling up, and eventually degenerate into a ...
Permission Email Marketing: Why Does It Matter?
Permission is most often the foundation of email programs. It is an important prerequisite for a genuine and profitable email campaign; however, if not overlooked, it is frequently misunderstood. ...
How to Check if an Email Address is Valid
Email remains one of the most important methods of communication that allows your company to stay in touch with existing customers and generate new leads. Strong email marketing strategies help ...
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