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Bulk Email Verifier

With our Bulk Email Validation service, cleaning an email list is very easy: just upload your email list here - the first 1,000 email address validations are FREE! You no longer have to check your emails one by one, so if you run an email marketing agency, call center or lead generator, our Bulk Email Verifier tool is exactly what you need to get high quality leads.

Upload Your Email List

Our Email Verification Process

Real-Time Live Email Validation
Full End-to-End Deliverability Check
Mailbox Existence Checking
Disposable Email Address (DEA) Detection
Catch-All Detection
Greylisting Detection
Email List De-Duplication
Improves Deliverability
Reduces Bounce Rates
Prevents Fraud
Minimizes Funnel Leaks
Awesome Support by Phone, Email & Chat
We guarantee that during the entire verification process at no time will an email be sent to the respective recipient address.

Upload your email list as plain text (.txt) or as comma-separated values (CSV) file - one email address per line, CSVs with Email as column header. CRM systems, databases and spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel are capable to export data to CSV.

Do you have an account already?

Register for Your Free
Email-Validator Account!

You will automatically receive 1,000 free email address checks for your new account.
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Business Email *

Please note that we do not accept free email addresses like Gmail or Yahoo for the registration.

Will this account be used to process data of EU citizens? *

Email List Validation Task Details

Task Name *
Validation Level? *
Email List File *

You can upload a text or CSV file (one email address per line, CSVs with 'Email' as column header).

Excel files must be exported to CSV first:
Open the file in Excel.
Click Menu | Save As (Other Formats).
Enter a name for the file and choose "Unicode Text (*.txt)".
Click Save.
Detailed Bulk Email Verification Status

When the validation process is finished, we send you an email and you can download the results. To match a result to a record in your database, you can merge the results with your input data when downloading the results.

For each email address, we provide a detailed email validation status that shows you exactly the reasons why an email address is valid or not, so that you can fully understand the results and take appropriate action.

Why is Bulk Email Verification Useful for Your Business?

Bulk email verification can prevent significant expenses and time waste for your business. The ability to keep customer data in top shape not only helps you streamline your marketing strategy but also improves customer satisfaction. The most important benefits of this approach to data cleansing include:

Higher Email Deliverability

When you have invalid and outdated emails on your list, you are decreasing your deliverability rate. The more of these addresses remain, the further the rate goes down. As a result, you don’t just hurt your marketing efforts but risk alerting the email service provider (ESP).

Bulk email verification checks your entire email list in just a few moments. If you do this regularly, you can be sure that each email your marketing or sales team sends out reaches the recipient. This doesn’t just boost deliverability but also reduces wasted effort and provides accurate data for further analytics.

Better Sender’s Reputation

A sender's reputation is a score that email service providers assign to the IP address or domain sending emails. It reflects the trustworthiness of the sender based on factors like bounce rates, spam complaints, and engagement levels.

If your bounce rate is high and deliverability is low, the ESP may decide to mark your further emails as spam or block them altogether. This will have a significant impact on your marketing and sales efforts. Getting unblocked can take a significant amount of time. During this period, you could have business disruptions.

With regular bulk email verification, you can make sure that your bounce rate remains at its minimum.

Reduced Financial Waste

If your marketing campaign has a low ROI, you are wasting a significant part of your budget. Other ways poor email list hygiene can affect your finances include:

  • Blocked emails and blacklisted email addresses
  • Missed conversion opportunities
  • Wrong decisions due to poor analytics

All these issues can quickly snowball into high expenses and hurt both your marketing and sales campaign. As a result, you may lose some of your customers and have to start many parts of the campaign from scratch.

With bulk email verification, you can be sure that your list is in top shape, and that all your efforts are aimed at a real audience.

Improved Marketing Campaign ROI

Invalid email addresses affect your entire marketing campaign. Your team is wasting efforts pitching products and services to people who either don’t exist or stopped being interested. As a result, they could be missing customers with high potential. Meanwhile, the data your team receives from the marketing campaign is inaccurate. That interferes with proper analytics and leads to higher costs.

By leveraging bulk email verification, you can make sure that your marketing efforts are focused on the right audience. This can increase the marketing campaign's ROI significantly. A verified email list means your messages are sent to real users, which leads to better engagement and higher conversion rates.

Data-Driven Decisions

Data you can collect from your email marketing campaign can help you gain valuable insights into many aspects of sales, marketing, retention, and more. If the data is inaccurate due to invalid email addresses, it could affect important decisions.

If you think that you are making data-driven decisions while your data is low quality, this could significantly impact the company’s bottom line.

Using bulk email verifications maximizes the quality of your email list. This, in turn, provides access to higher-quality data.