Mobile & Landline
Stop wasting time on invalid, disconnected numbers - connect with real people.
Check phone numbers in real-time - prevent fraud and make sure only valid phone numbers are accepted.
Credits do never expire and can be used anytime for phone list validation as well as for the real-time phone validation API. Unused credits roll over to the next month.
Byteplant's phone verification tool validates any mobile or landline phone number in 240 countries world-wide and provides detailed information like the status ("valid/confirmed", "valid/unconfirmed" or "invalid") as well as the line type and geolocation.
We guarantee an availability of 99.9%. API requests will typically be answered within 750ms - please see the API server status page for real-time availability information.
Your data is safe with us. Only you have access to your data. We process and store your data only for the purpose of validation and delete all personally identifiable end-user information within 14 days after the data has been made available to us.
Our Phone-Validator service is pre-paid and available in units of 1,000 credits. By placing an order you agree to the terms and conditions.
You can pay by credit card, PayPal or bank/wire transfer.
European Union residents please add EU/DE VAT, or enter your VAT ID during checkout if you are from an
EU country outside Germany.